Armaita stared down at Spike's body, he had landed with a heavy thump, and was sprawled out at her feet. His neck was cranked back at the broken fractures. She hadn't expected to kiss her mission, was something new, to kiss flesh, even if it was over a century old, and dead was a curious thing and she enjoyed it. She had studied everything there was to know about this creature. She knew everything. Using her soul piercer she now even knew more.
Soul piercer was a heavy weapon against demons. They exposed them to the one thing they feared, other than her boss, and that was the light. They searched for any dark corners and clung to the soul to evade being sought out by the light. Some Arc's struggled controlling the light and fighting a demon while it was still in its host. But Armaita was not inexperienced, she knew how to search out the lurid corners, and how to make the demons tremble. Just moments before she felt William slip and the demon took a hold of the body and the light had made it angry, hence why Spike now laid on the floor with a broken neck.
She sat down but kept her eyes on the vampire. His face was contorted in pain, and could faintly see vampire features. "The turn" is what Arc's called it, when a vampire turned from a human look into the monster within. The turn didn't show who the demon was inside, it was more a intimidation tactic, it brought out the demons weapons and fear into whatever poor soul was about to be a meal. Its was like when a dog bears its teeth before the bite. She once fought a vampire whose turn was so terrifying that the other Arc that was with her had fled, she held her ground and took his head with one swoop.
This vampire was special. She didn't know why when the boss had assigned her to watch his life, and learn everything about him. She was there from the beginning. The dark alley where Drusilla had dug her teeth into the feeble crying man, starting him as a blood thirsty killing machine. She watched his entire life in her mind as the boss gave her assignment. She was never there presently but nothing escaped the bosses view and he installed in her William Pratt's life, his journey in the dark and it was now her job to bring him to his new chapter.
Spike moaned, he was coming to. Knowing him, she stood and walked over to where her weapons laid. She will have to be armed when this pissed off anti-hero creature woke from his dead sleep. Again she knew him, better than anyone, even himself. The man inside was a feeble one, but over the century of being a mass killing machine he took on some demonic traits, like a temper. She stood at the read.
First sense that always came back was smell. Spike couldn't remember how he had died, but the sense of smell spoke to his memory. Smell, hint of metallic... blood, then a a scent of Jasmine, where was he? CRACK! that was the last thing he remembered, his mind was gaining focus, the crack was unmistakable, he had heard it many times, as his prey's life left them, when his hands were around their neck. Someone had broken his neck.... Jasmine.... mystery women!!
Spike's eyes shot opened. Who in the hell would kiss a guy then break his neck! What asshole would do that kind of thing. Despite his irritation he smiled inside, it was something he would have done. But only he could do that, anyone else was out of order!
He remain still, feeling his body come back and regaining his strength. When his neck cracked back into place he let out a groan. He heard movement around him, she was walking past his body. His anger bubbled inside, what the blazes was the big idea? She wasn't going to kill him, but she was toying him. He didn't do toying well, unless he was the toy-ee... ya sure thats a word.
He sprang into action, he jumped to his feet. He was facing the couch, he snarled, she was behind him. He was just about to pivot around when he felt her sword at his shoulder blade. He growled. Blades didn't scare him, actually no weapon scared him. He will overpower her if it was the last thing he would ever do.
His instincts told him to dodge the left, believing her to be right handed she would be stronger in an attack to the right. He swung his shoulder down and to the left, dropping his shoulder in order to minimize her target. He felt his face contort into the monster he really was. He was now facing his enemy, she had tried to attack but just like he predicted it was to the right. He pounced, as she tried to correct her swing, he bent his knee into a straight kick to her side. She flew backwards, and brought her knees to her chest as she somersaulted backwards, and with a cat like agility she landed on her feet with her blade expertly ready for another attack.
"So you kiss a bloke, break his bloody neck, watch him sleep, then attack him? I know women are complicated, but love you top them all!" He snarled
"I understand you are angry, I knew you would wake up irritated..."
"IRRITATED!!!" He boomed, "Thats nowhere how I feel love! I'm bloddy pissed off! And I want answers now! Who are you!? What are you?!"
He circled around her, and she followed his every move with her blade. His face was still contorted in vampire form, his once calm blue eyes were now yellow and on fire with anger.
"I have been sent to you, for the reasons I don't know, they haven't been revealed to me. I am a Arc, and my name is Armaita." She let down her guard, "I do not wish to fight you. I am not here to fight you, that is all I know."
Spike had stopped his circling when she had dropped his guard. His mind was buzzing with questions about this new revelation. Like, what the bloody hell is a Arc? He thought he had fought everything there was to fight. When he heard about Slayers his first instincts was to fight one, overcome one, beat one. This creature in front of him was a skilled warrior, a killer no doubt, he saw what she did to the demons in the ally. She was no stranger to danger, or death.
"Who sent you? Where do you come from?" He took a step closer to Armaita.
"I'm sorry Spike. That's all I can tell you right now." She stood her ground, holding her blade loosely at her side.
Spike took another step. His anger had slipped away. Armaita, he finally knew this deadly and sexy creatures name. He could still taste her on his lips, and he wanted more, looking at her body holding the blade made her more desirable. He licked his lips, and took a second step, he'd guard his neck this time. She caught on to what his eyes, and body were craving, she held her blade up to his neck. He gulped... oh so sexy
"What you thinking vampire?" Her eyes questioned him
"Thinking I was told to stay and watch you pet, and I'm thinking about you..." he licked his lip and scanned her body again, "...on the floor... me on top..."
"Stop! Not going to happen," she cut him off. She held her blade closer to his neck.
He shifted his weight, "ok love, your loss more than mine." He grinned and stepped back.
"Please," she walked across the room to put her weapon back with the others. She pushed past him. This was his chance, he grabbed her arms and planted a kiss on her lips.
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